Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What the heck am I doing?

Hello Everyone or for now just me... This is the first day of my blog.  I have no idea what I am doing or why I am even doing this.  Have you ever felt like there is just something you want to do and don't know how to do it and people think you are insane when you tell them what you are thinking?  That seems to be my every day life for about the past couple of days.  I may or may not be in a life altering mood but I feel like I am.  Fyi, if I make no sense, which I most of the time will, ignore it and never read my posts again, or read em... I don't care either way.  My blog is called a life of a college student... but that really has nothing to do with what I will be writing about.  I wanted to call it a day in the life... but then my sister told me I was stupid and that I was quote un quote gay. Thanks Morg.  But as far as the life of a college student goes, I am a junior, stuck in the Antarctica of all Ohio colleges... what else could anyone ask for? I am in a sorority and I adore all the girls some more than others, but hey that's how that goes.  I just finished a 3 day bike ride of 181 miles and feel like I needed a change. So that's how the idea of a blog came about.  As of now, I am comfortable in my life, maybe too comfortable and I need something new.  I feel like by writing down things ever day, my answers will come to me.  If anyone has suggestion on what I should do, or how to make this blog better, bc this is my first time... let me know!
I am totally laughing at myself right now for ever doing this.

1 comment:

  1. Monyca... I'm confused but I love you... and miss you! I like it... I think it's a good idea to make a change and get out of a routine!
